Before the goods you ordered are shipped, we unconditionally cancel the order for you, just contact us. If you request to cancel the order after the goods have been shipped, then you need to bear the shipping cost. Once the goods are shipped from the warehouse, we will not be able to make any additions, changes, or quantity adjustments to them, nor can we stop the delivery.
You can reach us by email. After receiving your email, we will reply to you immediately.
You can enter the MY ACCOUNT page, Orders is the final query page you need.
Before the goods are shipped, we can change the delivery address for you. Once the order is processed and shipped we can not make any changes to the address. In most cases, if the order can not be delivered due to an address error, the parcel will be returned to us by the carrier. All returned orders will be refunded and can NOT be shipped back out.
If you no longer wish to receive the order we suggest you mark the package Return to Sender and refuse the order at the time of delivery. You can also bring the unopened package back to the carrier and advise them you are refusing the delivery. All orders are considered used once the shipping box is opened and will not be accepted back by our warehouse. Please make sure the shipping box remains sealed.
Support and Service
At any time you need help, please feel free to send us an and let us know what you want. Our factory is located in Tongsha Industrial Park, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, China.
we’ve always been working hard to make everything legal and always keep improving because we always want to bring the best products and services to our customers.